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What It’s Like To Not Be Affiliated After Rush Weekend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Whether you rushed or not, everyone feels the effect of rush weekend for days after it happens. Being non-Greek on a very Greek campus, these are just a couple things you may have noticed post-rush.

1. You come back to your dorm to see your roomies are all Greeked out.

New decorations, new decorations everywhere.

2. You’re asked, “Did you rush?” 18273 times throughout the week.


3. And the follow up, “Oh, why not?”

Whether you had other commitments or rushing just wasn’t for you, it could get awkward explaining to everyone who asks.

4. You see all the matching tank tops when you go to class that Monday when you’re dressed normally.

5. And the slight jealousy you get when seeing everyone being all cute and matching with their new sisters.

6. Here comes the bit of regret you have for deciding not to rush.

7. But you remember that college is all about unique experiences, and you’ll find other ways to meet other awesome girls!

*cough* Like Her Campus. *cough* *insert smirking emoji here*

8. Another fun realization: Guys’ rush weekend is right around the corner.