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Water Snob Survival Guide

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

 Everyone from outside the Southern California area can all agree — SoCal water is downright awful. I believe you when you say your water back home is better; it really does taste different.

To get in your 64 ounces of water a day, you can’t go about drinking tap water. No filtered Orange County tap water could ever compare to your standard of filtered water, but Chapman has a few options to refill your water bottle so you aren’t buying Dasani or Evian everyday. However, take caution, some are almost as good as back home, while others just aren’t worth it.

The “water” tab on the soda fountains

BEWARE: THIS IS TAP WATER. Drink at your own risk, you might as well drink from your bathroom sink.

The censored water bottle fountains in Argyros Forum, Leatherby Libraries, and Henley Basement

They say filtered, and therefore my mind says they’re acceptable. Only drink at the “green light” filter, there shouldn’t be a yellow or red light level when it comes to filtered water. Maybe it’s not hard Orange County tap water, but it’s still not up to par with water snob standards.

The Oasis water filter

I believe I’ve found the best tasting water on campus. Located next to the farthest soda fountain in the caf, there’s an oasis water filter that is purposed for tea making, offering hot water and chilled, and the chilled water is the greatest drinking water on campus. Almost as good as back home.

A girl from the suburbs of Roseville, CA exploring everything Orange County.