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Top 10 Ways to Procrastinate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

1. Write a to-do list

Procrastinate doing the things you actually have to do by writing them down.

2. Clean your room

There’s no better way to procrastinate than to do something else “productive.” Let’s be real, you can’t get work done in a messy room.

3. Go to Starbucks

You need the little bit of caffeine in that pumpkin spice latte to get you through your assignment.

4. Instagram your Starbucks

The holiday cups are just too cute not to. #studying

5. Make a snack

You can’t do work on an empty stomach!

6. Check Instagram and Snapchat

AND Twitter

7. Watch “just one more episode” on Netflix

You can never only watch one.

8. Take a bubble bath

Because you need to relax before the long night of homework ahead.

9. Take a nap

You can’t focus when you’re tired.

10. Read this article

If you’re reading this article you are probably already on the road to procrastination. Congrats!