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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Anyone who has seen Younger knows that Liza lies. And just in case you haven’t heard, the main character, Liza Miller, is a 40-year-old woman lying about her age in order to maintain a job in the fast-paced world of publishing as an Assistant and Editor at Empirical. 

In the season three finale, Josh, the young man that Liza was dating (10+ years younger) ended the season by criticizing her for lying to everyone she cares about. In this finale, Josh criticizes Liza for not wanting to lie to the US government to help him marry the Irish bartender she set him up with a few weeks prior – just so he can get a green card for the Irish lass, Clare. Talk about a quick 180.

The finale changed the location, removing us from the lovely Brooklyn streets to Clare’s hometown in Ireland. This move was a phenomenal let down as isolated Liza from all the real drama happening at Empirical – this drama being primarily between Zane and Kelsey who are fighting like children over Daddy-Charles’ attention about the book, Marriage Vacation. A book which Kelsey is fighting to keep under the Millennial imprint name.

Marriage Vacation, of course, is the book written by Pauline, Charles’ wife (though they have separated), and it is also the book that Liza, Charles’ main love interest this season, has been forced to edit. Pauline wants Charles back bad, but he seems to have no real interest in getting back together. Though who can really tell when he always has that dumbstruck wide-eyed doe look on his face? (Or should I call him a moose considering his large stature?)

Granted, we know the writers had to separate it all out somehow – else they couldn’t ignore Liza’s confession of her love for Charles from the previous episode, “It’s Love, Actually.” After finally closing the love story with Josh, they decide to rip it back open by having him question his marriage proposal to Clare but go through with it anyway, wounding Liza in the process by:

1. Making her lie for them

2. Coming to her the night before his wedding and sleeping (really sleeping, nothing naughty) with her

3. Telling her the next morning it was all a mistake and he’s moving on with Clare.


Liza’s heart gets broken again as Josh moves on, and she mistakenly thinks Charles is getting back together with Pauline.

Woohoo. (Can you feel my sarcasm?)

Hopefully in Season 5 it will end the question of what happened to David (Liza’s ex-husband) after he stated that he and Liza were meant to get back together in Season 3; it will end the awful off-and-on-again relationship Liza and Josh have so that they’re just friends; and will help Zane become a better person so that Kelsey has a love interests that’s not a total loser.  Fingers crossed y’all.


MA East Asian Studies, 26'