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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Dear Coffee,

Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me. Can’t imagine anything or anyone else being there for me before the dreaded 8 AM as you have. Or on a late night when trying to finish up an essay. When we first met, I thought you were disgusting. Bitter. Unnecessary. I was simply a fool. But as I matured I realized how amazing you truly are. You come in so many flawless forms (latte, mocha, cappuccino, macchiato, etc.). Even though you may have hurt me in the past (*cough burning my tongue cough*) and probably will in the future, I will always come back to you. This past year, I have discovered you in your most perfect form yet: iced. My life has forever been changed.

Although by this point you probably run through my blood, please never leave my life. The haters often say to me, “you’re probably addicted to caffeine you should really stop”. To this, I roll my eyes. If being addicted to coffee is wrong, I DO NOT want to be right. Besides, with the absence of coffee comes tiredness and headaches. And who wants that? Nobody. So my dearest coffee, cheers to every morning (as well as some long afternoons/nights) for the rest of our lives.

   Love you long time!