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photo of corn field
Aaron Burden/Unsplash

It’s Thanksgiving and Size Doesn’t Matter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

With Thanksgiving creeping up, we’re reminded to be grateful. Many of us will trek home and give thanks for our cherished families and irreplaceable friends from high school. We’ll be thankful for our health, for the roof above our heads, and for the feast we’ll savor on Thanksgiving Day. And when break is over, we’ll subtly appreciate coming back to Chapman for a few last weeks of learning before the semester ends.

Of course these are the obvious go-to’s when listing what we’re most thankful for during the holidays (and rightfully so,) but it’s not fair to let the smaller things fall through the cracks. Anything that puts a smile on your face is worth recognition!

Though they may seem insignificant next to family, friends, and health, here are some little, everyday things that might deserve a spot in your Thanksgiving grace this year:

Laundry fresh out of the dryer

Any excuse not to shave your legs

Having time to kill

When there’s enough cereal in the box for a full bowl

Tears from laughing so hard

Showers meant for getting warm, not getting clean

That moment when you take your bra off at the end of the day

The cool side of the pillow

When you don’t lose your sneeze

Mornings when you wake up and remember your dream

A perfect messy bun

When your phone hangs on at 1% long enough to get plugged in

Kind strangers who hold the door for you

Being awake to watch the sun rise

Not having to wait in line

Songs that describe your feelings exactly

Anything and everything peanut butter

Having the opportunity to sleep in

You and everything about your one-of-a-kind, beautiful self