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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

You know that overwhelming feeling when you become so hungry that you may pose a threat to yourself and those around you and there is no immediate way you can get food? Here is how to talk yourself down from this dire state.

1. The first step is recognition. The feeling of wanting to strangle anyone that is between you and food is not normal and should be frowned upon.

2. Assess the situation. How long is it until you can get food? Are you able to persuade those around you to get food? If they say no, are you able to be annoying enough that they would be willing?

3. Take the unbearable hunger and throw it away because it will consume you and make you go insane.

4. Try water, someone said this would work at one point.

5. Realize that person lied to you and water does not satisfy hunger.

6. Chew a piece of gum and try and fool your mouth into thinking it’s food. 

7. If this doesn’t work, isolate yourself from others so you do not permanently damage any relationships.

8. While in this period of isolation plan the quickest way to food.

9. Realize that true friends don’t let friends go hungry.

10. Use this as leverage and once you receive food be thankful for the kind souls that call themselves your friends.