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The First Few Weeks of School, as Told by Meredith Grey

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

When you see your best friend for the first time in three months and you’re like:

But in the morning, you remember why you pledged last year to never go out again.

And then all you want to do is forget everything that happened during O-week.

You think that when school finally starts, things will die down. But then your professor goes beyond the syllabus on the first day of class.

And they assign homework.

When you forget to do it for the next class — because you have a bajillion other things to do — they call you out in the middle of class and ask what happened.

You just weren’t ready for schoolwork to begin! And you certainly weren’t prepared for a TEST! But then again, maybe some of your wrong answers could be debatable…

By the end of the week, you realize how much you miss cuddling with your dog all day during the summer.

Except for one — and all that matters is you still have your person.