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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Lazy summer outfits of bikini tops and shorts had a good run this year, but autumn is coming and it’s time to swap those shorts for denim jeans and cashmere sweaters! Unfortunately the Southern California sun makes for a cozier than necessary weather that doesn’t allow you to throw on your fluffiest sweater. But here are some ways to dress for autumn without sweating your buns off!


  1. Choose suede fabric skirts instead of the common suede coat.


  2. Pair your favorite dresses/skirts with boots.


  3. Wear LIGHTWEIGHT sweaters. You know, something you won’t sweat buckets in.

  4. Wear Autumn colors. Who says you have to give up dresses? Anything that’s warm toned looks autumn.


Incorporate plaid into your outfits. It’s a timeless piece that captures that “back to school” vibe perfectly.