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A College Survival Guide as Told by Brooke Davis

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

College…. It’s a whirlwind. Four years of no sleep, over-caffeinating, bad decisions that lead to the greatest memories, broken hearts, best friends and the occasional studying. Overall, it’s worth it, and it’s one of the most special times of your life. However, sometimes we face situations that in the moment feel like the be-all end-all. Lucky for us, Tree Hill’s very own Brooke Davis knows a thing or two about getting through the rough patches and coming out a champion.

1. It’s 11:27 p.m. on a Sunday and you’re in bed binge-watching Gilmore Girls, enjoying the last few moments of the weekend, when suddenly you remember the 1,000 word-essay you have due at midnight. Fight or flight?

2. Looking at your Uber account the next morning and realizing you don’t remember taking half of the rides you supposedly paid for.

3. Seeing the guy you’re into post a picture on Snapchat at a party, even though he hasn’t texted you back all day. Needless to say, you’re speechless.

4. When the Starbucks line is too long, but you wait anyway because you know that you physically will not be able to function without your iced vanilla.

5. When your professor won’t round up your grade by half of a percent.

6. Having heart-to-hearts with your roommates about life and the world, and you feel so great about everything.

7. When you forget how to do laundry, need to know what medicine to take, or just need someone to listen and make it all better, I have three words for you: Call your mom!

8. Own your mistakes! We all make them, and it’s completely normal. Learn from them, laugh about them and never regret them.

9. It’s easy to become your biggest critic. Try to stay positive though, because you’re amazing, and it will all be okay in the end.

10. When you realize that frat boys are as dumb as everyone warned you.

11. Laugh at yourself, and love yourself first. You have to be confident and sure of who you are before letting others in!

12. The realization that there’s still hundreds of days until summer…

13. When your RA writes only you up, even though everyone else was talking too loud and drinking with you in your room. You look at your friends, and you’re like:

14. When your alarm clock fails to go off for the second day in a row.

15. It suddenly hits you that you’ve found your people, and you’re happier than ever.