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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Growing up in a world surrounded by billboards upon billboards of beautiful, fit and seemingly flawless women isn’t easy for us girls. Unfortunately, rather than supporting other women our age, it’s become common and even “normal” for women to hate other women. The number of times I’ve heard girls say that they don’t have many girl friends because guys are easier to get along with and don’t cause drama is staggering. It’s sad. With all this pressure that goes hand in hand with being a female in this day in age, it’s important we start empowering one another and ourselves.

Now how can we empower each other? Compliment one another, sincerely of course. Telling one girl that you love her sweater or her smile can instantly brighten her day.  It’s also important to remember that every woman out there has insecurities; no matter how “perfect” they may appear. So be cautious of that and try to make a lasting impression on every woman you meet. Honestly ladies, just spread the love. If you see a girl at a party who you want to talk to go up and do it! It’s so important for us women to feel comfortable, happy and supported by the women around us because it creates a domino effect. When someone brightens our day we often feel more compelled to put a smile on another girls face!

Moving on to the hard part, empowering ourselves. I know you’ve probably heard this 1000 times, but I have to say it. If every morning you write down in a journal or say to yourself one positive thing you like about who you are, it will make a world of difference. With all of the negative self talk that so many of us girls take part in, it’s so important to not only put an end to it, but to start empowering and loving ourselves because we’re all pretty amazing. My final thought, and maybe even the most important one, is to not compare ourselves to other women! Hey, we all do it. I probably do it at least once everyday. Truth is, the moment we stop comparing ourselves to other women out there, the happier and more confident we will be.

I know this is a lot to take in, but ladies we have to start lifting up not only ourselves but also one another! There is no “perfect” women, but we are all beautiful and incredible in our own way!