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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

In spirit of NastyGal founder, Sophia Amoruso’s, book #GIRLBOSS, here are some ways you can be a badass girl boss too! It doesn’t matter if we are still in college; age doesn’t limit our fearless spirit. So go out there, and show the world what you’re made of.

1. Do The Wrong Things: In this roller coaster life of failures and successes, there is no telling what is going to happen next. What we do know is that exploration helps us get closer to doing what we do best. It is encouraged that you, especially as a college student, try out different things. It’s okay if you have no idea what you want to be! Most people don’t. So cheer yourself on and know that failing is inevitably part of it. But it’s a good type of failure because you can eliminate that thing that didn’t work out from your list and on to the next! When you do find something that works out, hold on tight.

2. Don’t Just be Inspired, Be Your Own Inspiration: We can all be inspired by things and people and places. Inspiration comes from everywhere. But the moment that you, at your lowest points, become your own inspiration, that is when the magic happens. You need to hold yourself to the highest standards, to the point where you look up to and admire yourself. Be your own idol. Do little things everyday that inspire you to do more. When you see yourself as an inspiration, others will too.


3. Set Boundaries For The Different Parts of Your Life: One of the biggest challenges of life is finding a balance. There is work life, school life, love, friendship, financial, and so many more. These all come together. They don’t wait for you to tell them when it’s a good time. This is where boundaries come in. Instead of letting these parts take over and overwhelm you, take control. There is no better way of being in charge of your life. So make specific plans, create lists, have a calendar, buy a planner, set time apart for your loved ones. Managing all of the elements is key and you will learn to do it as you mature.


4. Remember That Nothing Comes Easy: Everything that is valuable comes with a price. Whether it be acing a test, getting a job, having a significant other, or just being happy. Nothing comes easy and that’s a good thing. If everything just fell in our lap without having to work for it, we wouldn’t appreciate it. We would never know the value of working hard to achieve something. So don’t be afraid to work hard for something you want and also don’t be afraid to celebrate for getting it. When we reward ourselves for getting something we’ve been striving for, it makes it that much more satisfying and memorable.

So to all you girl bosses out there, just remember, “Surviving is important, thriving is elegant.” -Maya Angelou


Jacky is an Advertising and Public Relations major at Chapman UniversityInsta: jackysalome