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Bad Habit Remedies: College Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

We are in college to learn, excel in our passions and make amazing memories. But of course, things pile on and we form bad habits. After all, we aren’t machines so we are prone to making mistakes. Here are some tips to kick some of those bad habits we all probably do.

Bad habit: You don’t get enough sleep.

Solution: I get it. There are only 24 hours in a day and SO MUCH to do. But if you get your seven to nine hours of sleep, trust me you will perform way better during the day AND you’ll be much happier.  

Bad Habit: You wait until the last minute to do that one online assignment.

Solution: As soon as an assignment comes out online, I’d suggest doing it ASAP or at least make a reminder on your phone the date/time it is due so you don’t have to scramble 15 minutes before the due date.  

Bad habit: You aren’t doing laundry (especially bedding) enough.

Solution: That very sad feeling when you see that you have no clean socks left. Yikes! Or when you realize you’ve been sleeping in the same sheets and comforter for two months. Cringe. Unfortunately, our mothers aren’t here to do our laundry. Plan to do laundry every week or two, depending on how many clothes you have. Try to clean those sheets at least once every month. Mark your calendars!  

Bad Habit: Your priorities aren’t in the right order.

Solution: Fun is a very important aspect of life, but it’s important to balance your social life and academic life. Remember: There’s a weekend for a reason. If that paper is not perfected, skip the get-together on a weeknight and save it for the upcoming weekend.  

Bad Habit: You work from bed.

Solution: Our beds are very safe, comfy places. But it is meant for relaxing and snoozing in. Sit on a couch or somewhere where you might be more productive.