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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

So you know Coachella, and I know you know Stagecoach, but have you been introduced to the blessing that is Desert Daze? Or the totally worthy Beyond the Witching Hour? Or the fast-approaching Moon Block Party? These three events all stem from the same network of dedicated artists, and they take place year-round right here in Southern California.

You might have thought the festival season ended in July, but think again! Moon Block Party is an outdoor concert that takes place this weekend, on October 18th. This year the line-up consists of alternative superstars Spoon, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, and Black Lips (to name a fraction of the talent that will be performing). This year it will be at the Pomona Fairplex, formerly the L.A. County Fairgrounds. It’s a venue with history, and this event is making history.

It’s going to be a show with a particularly special feeling, due largely to the fact that it is put on by artists who devote their own time and effort to promote other artists. Members of various bands playing at Moon Block Party this coming weekend are the very members of the festival staff who manage the entire process of making the festival experience possible for us attendees. One of the best parts of the festival experience is hearing a song the way the artist wants listeners to hear it. The Moon Block Party and all of the festivals that stem from it offer the opportunity to experience a concert in a way the artist wants to share with you.

See you there!

Lily Fuentez was born and raised in San Diego, California. She is a sophomore majoring in Business Management with a minor in Sociology. She is having a great time at Chapman University and is excited to talk about campus life for HerCampus.