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8 Finals Week Must Haves

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

With the semester dwindling down to an end, finals week is slowly but surely creeping up on us. Although it can be stressful, here are a few things to make sure you have in order to make the week a little less of a struggle.

1. Coffee

It’s inevitable – you’re going to need caffiene. Be preared to stock up at home or become best friends with your local barista.

2. Highlighters

These are super helpful by making certain concepts stand out; you’ll have the material down in no time.

3. Flash Cards

One of the best study tools you can have. Gotta memorize those terms! 

4. Comfy Clothes

Pick out a staple set of clothes to throw on in the morning after a long night of cramming. The more comfortable and simple, the better.

5. Hair Tie

It’s pretty safe to say that most girls have experienced the struggle of needing a hair tie, and never being able to find one. To make it a little easier, throw some in your bag or keep one on your wrist. 

6. Reusable Water Bottle

You’ll need to stay hydrated! Get a good reusable water bottle that you can just fill up, instead of going through a bunch of disposable ones.

7. Some Good Snacks

Throw some fueling, nutritious snacks in your bag so that you don’t go hungry during your intense study sessions! 

8. A Studying Playlist

If you like to listen to music while you study, make a playlist that you can turn on for some good background noise.