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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

In case you wondering: yes, I am that girl who went into freshman year of college with a boyfriend. I am that girl who has been told by numerous friends and outsiders that my relationship won’t survive through college. That it is impossible to enjoy the “college experience” with a boyfriend. Well, I’m here to tell you that after one year of college and almost three years together, college relationships are not impossible! For those of you ladies entering college in a relationship, starting a relationship in college, or anything in between, here are five tips from me to you on how to maintain a happy, healthy relationship:

(Anything for you, Ryan)

1. Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed

I’m going to be honest, when I first started college and was surrounded by all these single men and women, I was embarrassed to be in a relationship. I felt I was the only girl who was in a committed relationship. I soon found out there were so many other men and women out there who were just like me! Once I realized that it didn’t matter whether or not I was single and began to embrace my relationship, I was happier and so was my boyfriend.

2. Spend quality time together

I know this may seem obvious, but sometimes we get so caught up in our school work, parties and friends that we forget to make time for our significant others. Even if it’s having one dinner a week together, skyping each other, or something as simple as talking on the phone, that quality time is crucial to maintaining a healthy relationship.

3. It’s the little things that count

This is one piece of advice that I can’t stress enough. Whether you’re in a new relationship or have been together for years, this is how you keep that “spark” that everyone talks about alive. Bring your SO a coffee to the library, or cook them up some dinner after a long day. Little things like that will put a smile on your partners face and make all the difference.

4. Make sure you have time for yourself and your friends

This may be the most important piece of advice I have for you. Don’t put all your time and energy into your significant other. Yes, they’re important and may even mean the world to you, but you can’t just ignore your friends and yourself.  Have a girls nights where all you do is sit and talk for hours, go out with your friends, and watch hours of Netflix by yourself. Do other things that make you happy besides spending time with your partner! This will allow the time you do spend with your significant other to be that much more meaningful and exciting.

5. Finally, have fun with each other!

Go out to parties together, stay up until 2am watching your favorite show, laugh about the stupidest things together, get lost together and sing your heart out to each other. Don’t ever lose that passion and thrill we all have in us. It can be hard at times, especially when we’re so caught up with school, tests and midterms, but don’t lose that fire.

So ladies, there you have it! Now who’s up for a double date…