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3 Ways to Maximize Your Disneyland Experience

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

1. Later Show Times = Shorter Ride Lines

If you’re planning to see a popular show in the park that plays more than once during the day, attend the latest showing. Typically, most families with younger children attend earlier showings. Because larger crowds attend earlier shows, ride lines temporarily die down during those times. 

2. Walk behind the trolley to avoid the crowd

If you’ve been to California Adventure, you’ve likely noticed a trolley that runs throughout it. A tip to getting from place to place more quickly is to follow it. The trolley clears a path through the crowd, and if you trail behind it, you can seize the benefit of the clear walking area. This is also true with other Disneyland vehicles making their way through either park. 

3. Shop Last

The stores in Disneyland close later than the rides and park attractions. If you wait until the end of your visit to souvenir shop, you won’t have to sacrifice any rollercoaster-riding time to pick out a Disneyland sweatshirt.