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17 Signs You’re A Communications Major

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

From the outside, it is definitely hard to understand why being a communication studies major is one of the best, most valuable majors there are to offer. In fact, here are some tell-tale signs that you are in fact this shining beacon of light that is a COM major: 

1. Your social media aesthetic is always on point.

Not to mention, you have an account on every single outlet known to man, and you’re actively engaged on all of your accounts.

2. You’re very used to constantly explaining to people exactly how you’ll get a job and be super successful at it.

COM majors struggling is a thing of the past! We are taking the world by storm in marketing, public relations, advertising, editing and the likes. There really isn’t anything we aren’t trained to do! BTW – even social media managing is a job. You wish you had it this good!

3. Your brain can’t do math, no matter how hard you try.

No seriously, even calculators trigger your brain to shut down and fear for your life.

4. Raising your hand to answer questions in classes or club meetings has become like second nature to you.

So is talking and public speaking, which are both hobbies we love to partake in at any given opportunity.

5. You’ve binge-watched just about every show there is to binge-watch on Netflix, and have critically analyzed every aspect of each character’s plot development.

It isn’t possible for you to not become emotionally invested in the characters you watch. They’ve seriously become like family to you.

6. You will always secretly dream about being a published author or writting an Oscar-worthy script.

Literally, always. Creative writing is the name of the game!

7. Your homework and course load is always manageable, and everybody hates you for it.

Your assignments are fun, engaging and make sense to you… What a revelaton! 

8. No seriously, you have more free time than anyone you know.

Gym? Check. Nails? Check. Studying? Check. Time for more Netflix!

9. Which means you always get a full 8 hours of sleep.

And naps, might I add.

10. Small talk is your area of expertise, but you prefer deep and real conversations.

While it might make others uncomfortable, you’re a star at sparking up conversation and making others feel welcome. Then when it does, you love talking about topics that matter, given that you’re a highly opinionated person.

11. You get to do all of these cool jobs and internships and you love your life for it.

Your friends may be slaving away in research labs, but you get to go to celebrity events and dabble in so many different fields and opportunities.

12. Every part of your day-to-day routine is carefully crafted, planned and organized.

Life would not be functionable without your planner – aka your lifeline – a surplus of coffee, seasonal outfits and colored pens.

13. All of your friends come to you to edit their essays, and you love doing it because it’s fun!

You’re also a champ at editing Insta photos, too.

14. Anna Wintour is the only goddess you know.

And Vogue is the Bible.

15. Watching commercials, movies and TV shows is usually course cirriculum.

Overanalyzing is a COM major’s favorite word!

16. You process every advertisement you encountner and your brain is so programmed to be intellectually stimulated that it won’t shut off.

It’s a blessing and a curse, but it’s what you signed up for!

17. You’re a professional stalker, thanks to your social media skills that you always strive to put to the test.

Basically, you’re the CIA.