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15 Times George Costanza From Seinfeld Went to College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

1. He makes some questionable fashion decisions.

2. But when it comes to going out, he knows what to wear.

3. Some less-than-flattering photos have been taken of him.

4. He takes advantage of non-caf food.

5. He has his own study habits.

6. He totally gets bad hair days after pulling an all-nighter.

7. When the Brita water filter breaks, there is no way to continue on.

8. He hasn’t quite gotten the hang of the dating culture.

9. Laundry is just too time-consuming.

10. When a job-less future starts becoming more and more likely, he thinks on the bright side.

11. He knows how to handle himself when he gets a bad grade on an exam.

12. He keeps food close by. Why walk to the caf when you can stash food in your desk drawer?

13. He goes through waves of self-consciousness.

14. So he puts others down to feel better about himself.

15. But he realizes eventually that sometimes in college, you just need to be your own best friend.