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11 Ways To Deal With The California Cold

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

1. Start a support group

There’s a lot of people who are dealing with the same hard hitting problems as you are. Find them.

2. Light yourself on fire

Just to make sure every part of your body is protected from frost bite. 

3. If #2 doesn’t work, try the opposite and eat a lot of cold foods.

Maybe you’ll become so cold that it will register as warmth to your body.

4. Find a person that grew up in a state with snow days and tell them about your problems

Disclaimer- their reaction might be something like this:

5. Invest in a swanket or snuggie

What’s better than being in your bed wrapped in a blanket? Wearing a socially acceptable and also fashionable blanket in public!

6. Start a business

Find some way to capitalize on the extreme weather that is occurring around you. 

7. Have a very complicated Starbucks order

Make sure you say it loudly so the people around you can realize you’re suffering and sympathize for you. 

8. Make sure you correct people when they say the wrong temperature

Because there’s a big difference between snapchat saying it’s 75 or 70 degrees outside.

9. Hibernate 

Green Day was on the right track with the advice to wake up when September ends. Take this a step futher and wake up around March or April. 

10. Find a friend to get you through the winter season

11. Denial

The best way to deal with the California cold? Don’t! Continue to wear shorts and a t-shirt like it’s nobody’s business.