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11 Reasons High School Musical is Relevant in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

The love for High School Musical is not a phase – it’s a lifestyle. Fortunately, it is still relevant in college.

1. In college, the entire class forms an alliance to get through that *one* class.

We’ve all been here. If we go down, at least we went down together. #Teamwork?

2. Food.

Need I say more?

3. College is nothing like the movies.

Possibly a parallel to the fact that high school is *nothing* like High School Musical made it out to be?

3. Troy and Chad were totally pre-frat boys.

Add in some beer cans and Greek letters, and this scene *screams* frat boys. Therefore, everything Troy and Chad is 100 percent relatable.

4. Stress in college > high school.

I cannot think of a better scene that accurately describes the all-encompassing academic, familial and societal pressures that are slowly crushing all college students.

5. Everyone gets a little more extra in college.

Maybe not Sharpay Evans extra, but then again, I wouldn’t be surprised.

6. Everything feels wrong in college.

You think you’re doing the right thing, but why does it feel so wrong? I blame constant disappointment and failure for this eternal feeling.

7. College brings a whole new meaning to “kiss-ass.”

What do you mean you won’t round up my 65 to a 90, Ms. Darbis?

8. People start to take their relationships very seriously.

Like Sharpay Evans-seriously.

9. The pressure of big decisions.

Because trying to adult is just so dang hard.

10. Stress.

Because stress, and also because one gif will never do this scene true justice.

11. The only thing we can remember during finals…

This feeling never goes away. High School Musical is a lifestyle, so live it.