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10 Signs You May Love Your Cat More than Your Human Family

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

1. The first thing you do when you walk through your door is greet your cat. It doesn’t matter if you’re coming back from being away at college for four months or if you just went to the grocery store, your enthusiasm will be at the same level.

2. You constantly talk to your cat about your problems, they’re the best confidant a girl can have!

3. You make everyone pause family movie night so that you can go get your cat so they can enjoy it with you. It’s not family movie night without the cat right?

4. The first person you want to speak to/see after a hard day is your cat.

5. They’re the only one who has immunity to your rage when you are upset. How can you be angry at such a sweet face? If anything they relieve some of the anger and put you in a better mood.

6. The vast majority of your camera roll on your phone is just photos of your cat.

7. When you ask for alone time you really mean leave me alone with my cat.

8. Most presents you buy are toys or new snacks for your cat.

9. Your cat can physically hurt you and will get over it in seconds, your sister can borrow a shirt and you will never forgive her.

10. You have said “I love you” to your cat multiple times and one of your family member responds thinking it was for them.