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10 Reasons Why We Need More Women in Late Night

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

This fall, all the major late night shows have male hosts. Not to say that none of them deserve their spots, but it is taking way too long for a woman to be among them. In the 80’s Joan Rivers attempted to host her own late show, competing against the Tonight Show, but failed. Since then, the only successful woman in late night has been Chelsea Handler, and her show ended. It is dissapointing that there has been little progress for women in late night over the past few decades. It is time for a change. Here are 10 reasons why we need more women in late night.

1. Women can rock a pantsuit and a dress.

2. Please for a minute, picture Amy Schumer interviewing Donald Trump….got it? Yes, that’s what I thought too.

3. We need a female’s perspective on the world. Believe it or not, over half of the population are not 18-30 year old men. 

4. This picture:

Can you tell what’s missing from this picture besides Jimmy Fallon’s drink?

5. They would throw the boring old format that we know out the window and create something wonderful because they’re creative geniuses.

6. They are great bosses.

7. Except for Chelsea Handler’s Chelsea Lately, all other late night talk shows hosted by women lasted for only a year and were not on one of the major three networks.

8. This past year Letterman, Ferguson, and Jon Stewart all stepped down from their positions, and no women filled their spots. 

9. There are women who exist that actually want to host a late night show. I know it’s hard to believe…

10. Most important of all, women are goddamn comedic goddesses that grace the earth we live on, so why don’t we give them their own show for once?