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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

1. Be a do-gooder and donate. With the holiday season just around the corner, there’s no better time to give. Locks of Love is a popular non-profit organization that collects donated hair to make hairpieces for children suffering from long-term medical hair loss. The requirements for donations can be found here.

2. The bedhead look is way easier to pull off. The freedom of rolling out of bed after a long night and not having to think twice about what’s happening on top of your head may be tempting enough as it is. Am I right?

3. It’s always a good idea to get healthy. After countless Fridays at the beach and one too many rounds with the hair straightener, your mane has had enough. Starting with a clean slate is the best remedy for those annoying split ends and damaged strands.

4. Your back is looking a bit pale… It’s a privilege to live in sunny California and to have the option to get a tan year round. Don’t let your back miss out, treat all body parts as equal!

5. More room for scarves. Whether we want to admit it or not, we have all choked on our scarf at one point or another. Taking hair out the picture to clear space to breathe is a must for all the scarf-wearers out there who are hoping to make it through sweater weather without suffocating.

6. Save a buck on shampoo and conditioner. Short hair is much more college-budget friendly.

7. Make cuddling less painful. I’m guessing you won’t miss those sleepless nights when you can’t roll over and get comfortable because your honey is passed out, conveniently using your locks as a pillow? That’s what I thought.

8. Escape the SoCal heat. Regardless of the change in seasons, it doesn’t look like the heat wave in Orange is going to be taking a break anytime soon. Outsmart the climate by shedding a layer or two.  

9. Lighten up! Give your neck a break. After weeks of midterms, it’s the least you can do.

10. It’s risk-free: hair DOES grow back. In the off chance that you absolutely hate the cut, I promise it will grow back. There’s really nothing to lose here (literally yes, metaphorically no). Give yourself a boost of confidence, take a step outside of your comfort zone, and go short!