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Your New Music Fix For 2012

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

The Grammys are over, recapping last year’s music highlights for many of you, and now you are wondering what 2012 entails for the music world. 

What new albums and artists already have an insane amount of  buzz for their upcoming releases?

Well have no fear, I’ll provide you with my thoughts on some great releases for this winter and spring as well as some long, over-due TBA albums from some of your favorite artists, trust me.

What Albums You Should Check Out
There is a ton of music out there so here is a list of some awesome albums/artists that have upcoming releases you should check out!

1. First Aid Kit, “The Lion’s Roar”
If you are a fan of Fleet Foxes, check out this Swedish-sister duo whose woodsy sound has a bit of twang and offers breathtaking harmonies. If you’ve never heard of these gals, you should definitely check out their past albums. They’ve been together since 2007.

This January, they released their second album “The Lion’s Roar” to critical acclaims and a lot of talk. This whole album is absolutely beautiful with thought-provoking lyrics and haunting melodies. Check out this great article by Vogue Magazine as they were the “Band of the Week” in November.

2. Punch Brothers, “Who’s Feeling Young Now?”
Punch Brothers is one of my favorite bands of all time. Ever since Nickel Creek, I’ve been slightly obsessed with Chris Thile aka the most amazing mandolin player ever.

Their new album is less bluegrass-influenced with a more modern sound. Rolling Stone notes them as a “string-band version of Radiohead” (rollingstone.com). The album even comprises a cover of “Kid A” as they are known for doing many Radiohead covers at shows, and they are fantastic speaking from personal experience.

3. Hospitality, “Hospitality”
Merge Records’s newest band Hospitality has made quite a splash in the music world. Their critically acclaimed album officially released January 31st so you should definitely check them out. Reviews and features by Wired, Rolling Stone, Pitchfork, Stereogum and NPR have generated a lot of hype about the well-deserved indie-pop trio.  Check out this live performance of their catchy single “Friends of Friends”.

4. The Dean’s List, “Generation X”
For all of the rap fans out there, The Dean’s List is a must-listen. This is the Boston-based trio’s third release with a high amount of anticipation. Goodmusicallday.com was awesome enough to feature their new single “Youth” featuring Sid Sriram last Monday. Unfortunately, “Generation X” is not officially released until April 3. So, enjoy this little tease, while we all anxiously await until April.

5. The Little Willies, “For the Good Times”
Did you know Nora Jones is apart of a country-influenced band? As crazy as it may be sound, Jones has her own sweet country twang. Formed by their love for country standards, The Little Willies cover great country classics that are sure to impress any country music lover. “For the Good Times” features songs by Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Loretta Lynn and Dolly Parton. While not on this album, check out their live cover of Parton’s “Jolene”.

6. Jack White, “Blunderbuss”
Jack White has always been a personal hero of mine so when I found out he was finally doing a solo album I had a minor freak out. White plans to release “Blunderbuss” on April 24th through his Third Man Records label. I’m already in love with the newly released single “Love Interruption.” This will be a blues-based album with a tinge of alternative country and modern spin. This one is going to be hard to wait for.

Local Student Acts

1. Mipso Trio, “TBA”
With a sold-out show at Cat’s Cradle this past January, the boys of Mipso Trio are at it again with another album releasing this April. They can’t wait to release a “shiny and new, full-length, hard-won, top-notch, high quality album” for all of their fans, new, old and forthcoming (mipsomusic.com).

On April 14, the band is having an album release show at Cat’s Cradle, so mark your calendars because it’s sure to be another phenomenal, sold-out show! They will also be participating in Band Together’s Last Band Standing Thursday March 1st at the Lincoln Theater; all proceeds will go to support local music and urban ministries.  Follow the trio on Twitter: @mipsomusic !!

2. TURCHI Music, “Road Ends in Water”
Reed Turchi, a senior Southern Studies major and founder of Devil Down Records, has an album coming out this March along with a new band line-up from his previous Skinny Women group. “Road Ends In Water was recorded to have a live, relaxed aesthetic-fitting the all-night-boogie tradition that it comes from. If anything, it should be drinking music, not thinking music.” said Turchi. If you are a fan of The Black Keys or the North Mississippi Allstars, you should definitely check them out! North Mississippi Allstars’s guitarist Luther Dickinson even makes a guest appearance on their single “Keep On Drinking” and “ Be Alright”. Check out their upcoming shows on Wednesday February 21st at Nightlight and Thursday March 1st at the Cave for their album release party.

While I could go on and on about what albums are going to standout this year, here is an awesome list of “The 50 Most Anticipated Albums of 2012” comprised by Stereogum. Noteworthy ones that I can’t wait to get my hands on are The Shins, No Doubt, Fleetowood Mac, Cat Power, Air, Andrew Bird and Grizzly Bear. I know everyone can’t wait to see what The Shins have in store for us being that their last album “Wincing the Night Away” was such a huge success for them and Sub Pop, as well.



Photos Citations:
Citation: First Aid Kit (photo): the CULT wine with CULT bands,
Citation: Hospitality (Photo): The Village Voice, http://blogs.villagevoice.com/music/2012/02/hospitality_interview_amber_papini.php
Citation: The Little Willies (photo): knoxville.com blogs, http://blogs.knoxnews.com/brown/archives/2011/11/little-willies.shtml
Citation: Mipso Trio (photo): Lee Farese, http://mipsomusic.com/
Citation: TURCHI Music album art (photo): Reed Turchi
Citation: The Shins album art (photo): Brooklyn Vegan, http://www.brooklynvegan.com/archives/2012/01/listen_to_a_new_8.html

Sophomore, PR major at UNC