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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

Okay, so it’s only October, but before you know it you’ll be forced to make the decision of what to do with your next year at Carolina. If you’re thinking about studying abroad, I have two words for you: DO IT. Whether it’s for the summer or an entire semester, it will undoubtedly be one of the best experiences of your college career and something you will remember for the rest of your life. Here are some study abroad experiences you don’t want to miss out on:


Becoming more independent

Traveling isn’t easy. It’s stressful, expensive and easy to put off until a “better time.” Despite all the difficulties that come with traveling, you will inevitably come home a more independent and self-sufficient person. When you’re abroad, you can’t call your mom to ask her a question or look up something on Google maps. You must be prepared for any and all situations, or at least be ready to go with the flow if something doesn’t work out quite as planned. When you’re home, you’ll look back and find it hard to believe that you flew on an international flight without missing your connections, managed to buy numerous train tickets on a kiosk in another language, and somehow managed not to get (terribly) lost.

Making new friends

Whether they’re from Carolina, from other universities, or from the country you study in, making new friends is a guarantee while abroad. The friendships you make with these people will be unique and the once-in-a-lifetime experiences you have with them will be unmatched. They’re the only ones who will really understand you when you’re having PSAD (Post Study Abroad Disorder), so…keep in touch, have reunions, and reminisce with them as much as possible.

Eating well

This pretty much speaks for itself. You’ll put on a few pounds. It’s inevitable, but it will be the best weight you’ve ever gained (yes, I said that). You will spend the following semester trying relentlessly to lose those extra pounds and if you’re like me, you will probably fail.  Despite this, you will only remember the memories you made sitting around a table with new friends, laughing, eating and drinking into the early morning hours. Chances are you won’t be spending that much time in a foreign country again, so eat the pastries, drink the wine, and have gelato everyday. You won’t regret it, I promise.

Gaining a new appreciation for good ole’ USA.

Don’t get me wrong, studying abroad is awesome. Enjoy every minute of your experience because in a few months you’ll be sitting in Davis studying and wishing you were gazing up at the lights of the Eiffel tower or enjoying gelato in by the Arno in Florence. Although you will often ache for the experiences you had abroad, you will forever appreciate the United States. The things you will miss while abroad include: ice, free water, mexican food, elevators…the list goes on and on. Spending time in another country is a unforgettable experience, but you’ll realize how lucky you are to be able to call America your home. Simply put, there is no other country like the USA.

It’s the best time of your life

Let’s face it, the odds that you’ll have the opportunity to travel like this again are slim to none. This is the time to do it. Learn about yourself, learn about others, and get cultured. Snorkel the Great Barrier Reef, walk the Great Wall of China, spend an afternoon looking at the Mona Lisa. Travel while you’re young. There’s no time like the present.

“If you’re physically fit, hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel – as far and as widely as possible. Sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and eat and cook. Learn from them – wherever you go.” – Anthony Bourdain


Megan McCluskey is a recent graduate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a B.A. with Distinction in Journalism and Mass Communication, and a second major in French. She has experience as a Campus Correspondent and Contributing Writer for Her Campus, a Public Relations Consultant for The V Foundation, an Editorial Assistant for TV Guide Magazine and Carolina Woman magazine, a Researcher for MTV, and a Reporter and Webmaster for the Daily Tar Heel. She is an obsessive New England Patriots and Carolina basketball fan, and loves spending time with her friends and family (including her dogs), going to the beach, traveling, reading, online shopping and eating bad Mexican food.