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What UNC Guys Are Looking For In Girls

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

As most of us have come to realize, the girl to boy ratio on this campus is more than slightly lopsided. And for those ready to find relationships, it can be frustrating when it seems like you’re dissecting every text or word a guy says to you to figure out if they’re interested.

So to help solve the mystery of what in the world guys are looking for in a girlfriend, we talked to a sample of guys… some fraternity guys, some athletes, an environmentalist, future lawyers, businessmen, politicians, etc. And what do they all have in common? They’re all great guys and they all go to UNC. Let’s see what they have to say about the kind of girls they’re willing to commit to:

Her Campus: We’ll start basic… what do you generally look for in a girl?

Kareem Ramadan: A pretty smile and someone that can make me laugh.

Learie Jones: There are two things I look for in a girl: humor and independence. Dry, creative humor in a woman can set my heart aflutter within minutes of talking to a girl, and it keeps conversations interesting, because no one likes being asked how their day was and how they’re doing every time they see someone. A girl also has to be busy, because I’m busy; I just don’t want a girl’s only affiliation to be to me and me only because clingy is certainly not attractive.

Ross Masters: Good looks and a conversational personality.

Anonymous: Generally I look for a girl with a sense of humor, sweet personality, outgoing, who likes to stay fit/healthy, and has interests similar to my own.

Anthony Rotunda: Funny girls get the immediate upper hand. On top of that they’ve got to be able to take a joke in a social setting and not get mad later. Independence as well in that they can’t be overly reliant on their friends, nothing is more frustrating than a girl that doesn’t think for herself.

Shane Shields: Of course, a girl’s looks have to first capture my attention. But what it comes down to is good conversation, a sense of humor, spontaneity, and someone who’s down to earth.

HC: What is the number one physical trait you look for in a girl?

KR: Eyes.

LJ: Hair…you have to have beautiful, naturally flowing, luscious locks at least shoulder length. Preferably brown.

RM: A nice smile.

A: No. 1 physical trait – pretty face.

AR: Not sure if this counts, but a southern accent is killer.

SS: Good hair style or smile.

HC: What does it take for a girl to go from “hook up” to “girlfriend”?

KR: If I enjoy spending time with her outside of hooking up, if she cares about what I’m interested in, etc.

LJ: Less inebriation and more personality.

It just kind of happens I guess. Spending time doing things that don’t involve alcohol would probably set the right tone for it to happen.

A: Can’t be too clingy, but needs to be upfront about what she wants. Also has to be someone that I have an emotional connection with rather than just sexual.

AR: When you decide that’s what’s going on. Those things vary from situation to situation; I don’t think there’s any sense in trying to establish a schedule for it.

SS: Someone I have both a natural connection with and similar interests, who also challenges and inspires me.

HC: What are some of the personality traits you would look for in a potential girlfriend?

KR: Funny, outgoing, likes to watch sports, understands man time.

LJ: My girlfriend definitely has to be funny to the point where we can walk around and constantly find things (such as goofy people on campus) to talk about. She has to be my best friend that’s also irresistibly attractive.

RM: A gal who can hold a conversation about interesting things and doesn’t mind outdoor activities.

A: Be determined, goal-oriented, funny, intelligent, some sort of spontaneity to keep things interesting.

AR: She’s got to be funny and outgoing. Someone that you’d notice if you walked into a crowded room but not because she’s the loudest one in the room or anything.

SS: Passion, intelligence, a good sense of humor, kindness, as well as those previously mentioned.

HC: How important is your friends’ approval of the girl you’re dating?

KR: Pretty important, they need to like the girl I’m spending a lot of my time with.

LJ: Not too important, I wouldn’t care so much if they liked her as long as they didn’t have a problem with her. If they like her too much I’d be worried she’d run off with them, since I have friends cooler than me.

RM: Pretty important. If they don’t like her she probably wouldn’t last. Mom has gotta like her too.

A: Friends’ approval is huge. In the end it’s my decision, but my friends are always there to support my decisions and look out for me. Obviously I’d want to know if they are in disapproval and why they feel that way which could potentially sway my decision.

AR: Essential. Why would you want anyone around that your boys don’t like? It also makes it a lot easier if you don’t have to worry about if she would be awkward in a certain situation or not. If your friends like her and vice versa you’re good.

SS: Very important. They have to be able to hang with those I’m close with.

HC: What is your favorite look on a girl?

KR: Sundress.

LJ: Definitely athletic clothes: short shorts, t-shirt, high socks (very important), and fly kicks, she can’t be rocking some Sketchers or something.

RM: Different strokes for different folks. Girls know what they look good in better than I do.

A: Anything with yoga pants.

AR: Sundresses and cowboy boots.

SS: Fashion’s actually pretty big for me, but it doesn’t have to be any set look. I’m pretty much a sucker for any girl who goes against the typical Carolina mold.

HC: Which matters more: looks or brains?

KR: Can’t we have both? We go to Carolina.

LJ: Looks is definitely the line that separates girlfriend and girl friend; you can’t be in an intimate relationship with someone you don’t find attractive, unless you’re insane.

RM: That’s a pretty incriminating question. I plead the fifth.

A: I look for a combination of both. I want a girl who can hold an intellectually stimulating conversation and who I think is attractive.

AR: Looks have got to be there but there’s nothing more frustrating than talking to a girl who is more focused on looking cute than the conversation.

SS: At the end of the day it doesn’t matter how pretty you are if I don’t find you interesting… so, brains.

HC: Who is your dream girl and why?

KR: Mila Kunis. She’s gorgeous, funny and has some pretty eyes.

LJ: My dream girl is a basketball player who stands at a lanky 6 feet tall, has long, beautiful brown hair, gorgeous blue eyes and chubby cheeks to compliment the face of a goddess. She fits the category because my dream girl has to be tall, have a cute face (not necessarily a “sexy” face), have nice hair and most importantly share my love for basketball.

RM: Scarlett Johansson. She’s a queen.

A: Can’t think of a dream girl.

AR: I haven’t the slightest idea.

SS: That’s tough. A rich, Spanish-speaking philanthropist who loves the outdoors?

Melissa Paniagua is a senior journalism major at The University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, specializing in public relations. She is currently a fashion market intern at ELLE Magazine. On campus, Melissa acts as the Her Campus president as well as the vice president of the Carolina Association of Future Magazine Editors, UNC’s Ed2010 chapter. In the past, she has been an intern for Southern Weddings Magazine and a contributing writer for Her Campus. Melissa has an appreciation for all things innovative, artful and well designed and hopes to work in marketing for a women’s lifestyle magazine in the future!