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On Wednesday We Wear Pink

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

All around campus we’ve seen the color pink. From the masthead on The Daily Tar Heel to athletes’ uniforms on gameday. Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Research Center went beyond that and turned two of our campus’ most famous icons pink in support of breast cancer awareness: the Old Well and the Bell Tower!

Lineberger’s “Pink Out Polk Place” was a run that started at the Old Well and ended at the Bell Tower. The colorful event took place Wednesday night, Oct. 10. Runners and walkers were pelted with 100 percent natural pink and Carolina blue -colored powder and continued their run to the Bell Tower.

Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Research Center has a great presence not only on UNC’s campus, but in the nation. As students of a university with such an amazing facility for families dealing with this disease ,we are given the opportunities to participate in fun activities to support them. Look around campus for their next event and try to get involved. There is no better way to get you out of a midterm slump than helping others.

Melissa Paniagua is a senior journalism major at The University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, specializing in public relations. She is currently a fashion market intern at ELLE Magazine. On campus, Melissa acts as the Her Campus president as well as the vice president of the Carolina Association of Future Magazine Editors, UNC’s Ed2010 chapter. In the past, she has been an intern for Southern Weddings Magazine and a contributing writer for Her Campus. Melissa has an appreciation for all things innovative, artful and well designed and hopes to work in marketing for a women’s lifestyle magazine in the future!