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Twitter, Your Relationship Psychologist!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

How many times have you found trending topics on Twitter with which you can identify? The answer is probably, many times; and yet, this is not surprising because Twitter has come to be a site for popular wisdom.

Twitter has extensive uses: people publish what they do, every day at every hour; people post pictures of what they do or whatever they found interesting; and even better, they use it as a medium of catharsis. It’s very common to see people talk about breakups or other problems. In many cases, the tweets resemble shared feelings.

In the past weeks, I have encountered some really interesting tweets in which people offer advice to others or use sarcasm to express their dislike towards certain relationship situations.

For example, one of the most popular tweets under the #ThingsPeopleShouldNotDo hashtag reads:

  • Look for qualities in a mate that they don’t even have!

This is a key point. People always expect their princess or prince to be perfect, but have they ever considered being a better person for their significant other?

Now, let’s pretend you have found that special person. You have your worries about how long things will actually last, and the #MeAndYouCantDate hashtag helps you figure this out for sure. Here are some of the most popular statements of advice, brought to you by Twitter:

  • #MeAndYouCantDate if you expect a perfect relationship 24/7.

  • #MeAndYouCantDate if you still haven’t gotten over your EX and/ or you think every person is like her/him.

Furthermore, when things do go wrong, here is some advice for what NOT TO DO in response to your heartbreak (These tweets were taken from a hashtag in Spanish that reads #ErroresDeTusa which translates to #HeartbrokenMistakes).

  • Talk bad about “that other” person.

  • Think that you are not going to be able to live without that person, no one is indispensable.

  • Be always available for that person, you should let go and find other interests to keep your mind busy.

  • Think that it’s better to forgive anything or everything to avoid that awful feeling of loneliness.

  • Blame the other person for everything that happened; likewise, blame yourself for everything. A relationship is a matter between two people both can/should share the blame.  

  • Some tweeters think is bad to have that person as a friend on Facebook. Chances are you will be torturing yourself for every photo he/she has with a new girl/guy. Your choice.

  • Call that person with the well-known and overly-used excuse: “Did I forget this [insert useless item you completely forgot about while you were in the relationship] at your place? I really need it right now.”

  • Tell that person something that sounds remotely similar to this: “Hey, I’m glad you have found someone else, I really hope you are happy with her/him.” Avoid hypocrisy; the only person you’re fooling here is yourself.

  • Check your phone every five minutes to see if he/she has called or texted you.

  • Post statuses or tweets that say something like, “Yay I’m really happy, I haven’t been this happy in a loooooooooooong time.” Fail.

  • Complain to him about relationship things after the relationship is over. Please, let it go.

  • Attend every event at which you run even the smallest chance of seeing him.

  • Believe that you are going to become your ex’s best friend and give him/her advice on his/her new relationship.  Really? You are going to give advice about something at which you failed with that person?

However, if you want to avoid all the relationship drama on Twitter, #LawsMenShouldFollow is a hashtag for you, and here are some of the most common ideas shared:

  • Don’t leave a classy, beautiful woman for a woman that is not as good as her.

  • If a woman gives you her time, energy and heart, appreciate it. Never take her for granted.

  • If a woman respects herself, you should come at her with respect. Respect and you will be respected.

  • Never make your woman jealous of other girls, but make other girls jealous of your woman.

  • Treat girls like you would want someone to treat your daughter.

  • Put your girlfriend first or someone else will.

  • Don’t make a girl fall for you if you have no intention of catching her.

And last, but definitely not least:

  • Stop giving relationship advice on Twitter if you’re not going to live by it in real life.

So, the next time you go through a breakup, make sure you log in to your Twitter account and look for interesting trending topics that can give you good advice or make you laugh, (either way you will end up feeling better).

I heart twitter (photo): Greenlights, http://www.greenlights.org/blog/2011/03/31/how-i-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-love-twitter/i-love-twitter/
Broken heart (photo): Geek-news, http://geek-news.mtv.com/2011/02/09/six-superheroes-we-wont-be-passing-a-valentine-to-this-year/
Stick figure cartoon (photo): Careysmilezxc, http://careysmilezxc.blogspot.com/2011/07/two-different-people-from-two-different.html
Psychologist cartoon (photo): Blogspot, http://simplybecauseitis.blogspot.com/2010_12_01_archive.html

Sophomore, PR major at UNC