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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

Name: Tj Holt
Hometown: Elizabeth City, NC
Year: Junior
Major: Management and Society & Sociology

This week’s campus cutie is a junior hailing from Elizabeth City, NC. Tj is an outgoing and funny guy who is always down to have a good time. He enjoys making music and playing any type of sport. When asked about Tj, one respondent said, “He’s beautiful. That’s all you really need to know.” Well, there you have it, collegiettes! Good looks and personality, too.

Relationship status: Kinda single
Favorite Coldstone/Yopo Flavor: Cookie dough
Favorite place to eat on Franklin: Buns
Favorite TV series: The OC
Favorite Musician/Band: Waka Flocka
Favorite Movie: American Psycho

Fun fact: Me and Learie Jones have a fun mixtape out. Check it out at here.
Celebrity Crush: Rachel McAdams
If you could be anyone for a day who would you choose? The lucky guy who woos Rachel in the Notebook.
Favorite activities: Football, basketball, soccer, lacrosse and hoodrat stuff with my friends.
Why do you love UNC? If you don’t love UNC, I hate you. Perfect college experience—great academics, sports, campus, and people.

What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on? Probably when I got chickenpox on a date in middle school.
What do you look for in a girl? In shape, bright eyes and smile, good intentions, soft skin and young at heart.
Turn offs: Stupidity. Depressing people. Chronic bad breath.
What do you want to do when you graduate? Get famous. Sign a record deal perhaps.

What are your goals for the future? Not to be a nobody.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? It would be anywhere out of the U.S. because I’ve been stuck here so far. But maybe Hawaii because of the stellar beaches.
Describe your ideal first date. She picks our event and pays and I go to sleep on a full stomach.

Melissa Paniagua is a senior journalism major at The University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, specializing in public relations. She is currently a fashion market intern at ELLE Magazine. On campus, Melissa acts as the Her Campus president as well as the vice president of the Carolina Association of Future Magazine Editors, UNC’s Ed2010 chapter. In the past, she has been an intern for Southern Weddings Magazine and a contributing writer for Her Campus. Melissa has an appreciation for all things innovative, artful and well designed and hopes to work in marketing for a women’s lifestyle magazine in the future!