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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

Full Name: Taylor Weddle
Hometown: Clemmons, N.C.
Year: 2012 
Major: Music and Communication Studies 

Favorite Coldstone/Yopo Flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip 
Where do you study Davis/UL/other: Wilson Reading room (feel smarter walking in there)
Fun Fact: I spent about a month in Indonesia when I was little.
Motto: Take care of family and friends and everything else will take care of itself. 
What are you involved in on campus?  I like participating and volunteering in philanthropy events on campus like numerous 5Ks, Greeks for Greeks, intramural sports and Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Let’s see if I can make it out of school first. But if it all works out, I hope to be on the coast with the family.  

If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go and why? I would go anywhere so long as I could see the Northern lights.

What always cheers you up? A sunny Carolina afternoon.
If you could meet up and have coffee with anyone (dead or alive) who would it be?
Kevin from The Office

Describe your ideal date.  I really do like dinner and a movie, but if “I had my druthers” I would jump at a chance to go somewhere new or do/show her something I/she had never done before. I like a little spontaneity. 

Well I’ll be, Taylor is just your typical Southern boy — see his use of the phrase “if I had my druthers” — who is both charming and funny.  And on top of all that, he loves his family and puts them first.  Isn’t that always a plus?

Back in October, Taylor ran a marathon to raise money for people with disabilities.  This Campus Cutie cares about those around him and feels it is necessary to give back to the community. 

However, he forgot to mention that he is also a talented singer and a voice major in the music department.  So maybe an ideal date with this Campus Cutie would involve being serenaded? Or perhaps when you run into him, you should ask him for a solo on the spot.

Sophomore, PR major at UNC