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SURPRISE: Finals ISN’T The Worst Time of The Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

I know, it’s almost time for the dreaded finals season. The weeks seem to be flying faster than ever before, and your  teachers seem to forget the idea that you are enrolled in more than just their class. But, believe me, you will get through this. Sooner or later you will be heading off to your amazing summer internship or your adventure through Rome. But first, before you get too stressed out about everything you must complete before your last exam, let me remind you that final exam season is NOT as bad as you may think, and here’s why:

1. You can actually go to the library looking like this and not feel bad about it.

2. For the first time all year, it is socially acceptable to take three trips to the local Starbucks in one day.

3. So you forgot to brush your hair? So did everyone else wearing hats.  

4. Not making your bed is no longer frowned upon, because let’s face it, who really makes their bed during exam week?

5. Have you always hated saying “hi” to random people on campus? Well now is your chance to not feel bad about it, because everyone is expected to be in a bad mood.

6. Slept through your review session? That’s what google docs are for.

7. You don’t have to feel like you’re the only one awake at 3 a.m. for the first time all year, because chances are, most of the school is awake with you too.

8. Eating junk food doesn’t count, because calories never count during finals week.

9. Crying about missing your dog? Save being judged and blame it on finals, everyone cries at one point or another.

10. And celebrating your last exam at the bar down the road from you is not only acceptable, it’s mandatory.

Carleigh Barnett is a sophomore at UNC-Chapel Hill and is majoring in Journalism. She specifically hopes to have a career in entertainment Public Relations. From New York to North Carolina, she loves watching TV (especiall dramas that are filled with gossip), staying connected with the world of entertianment and enjoying days filled with Netflix and Sour Patck Kids.