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Spring Has Sprung… And With It Came Leather, Neon and More!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

New York and London have been buzzing with models, designers, celebs and press excited to see the fall collections for 2011. As you may have guessed, fashion week for many of the world’s biggest cities has begun. Beginning in New York and continuing in London, designers are showing off their stylish wares.
I was so excited to look at all the new trends that were coming out, but as I eagerly Googled “fashion week,” I realized that fall is not for six more months!  Spring is here, and I don’t want to wait to look fashionable! I quickly changed my search and found the trends for Spring 2011 that came out during spring fashion week last fall. I’ve come up with a pretty good list that will make you blossom into a stylish fashionista this spring!
The 70’s
The 70’s are back! Many designers brought back the funkadelic era’s high-waist bell bottom pants and crop tops. Also making a comeback are the bohemian chic Maxi dresses and long, flowing skirts. If long skirts aren’t your thing, then you’re in luck – the disco mini skirt is boogieing into the 21st century. Can you dig it?

Biker Chic

Want to add a little more edge to your wardrobe? Biker style was a common theme in for Spring 2011. With major designers like Burberry rocking leather pants, coats, skirts and accessories, this trend is sure to kick your style into high gear.

Leather revs up any style.

Bright Eclectic Patterns
Brilliant colors like electric blues, hot pinks and vibrant orange were a few of the shades worn down the runway. Equally as eye catching were the patterns accompanying the colors. Anything seems to go, including floral, fruitprints and geometric shapes.

These patterns are sure to make any outfit pop.
Designers kept up the trend of white before Labor Day. Showing pieces from flowing skirts to crop tops in this timeless color, white added a sophistication and brilliance to the runway.
Yes, you read that right¾pajama style pants and shirts are a definite theme for spring this year. This doesn’t mean walk outside in your best flannel PJ’s. Instead, opt for light and loose fitting fabric this spring. Not only will you be comfortable, but you can also crawl right into bed after a hard day of hitting the books.
Into the Wild
Don’t put away that leopard or zebra print just yet! Many designers channeled their wild side with animal prints. Skirts, tops, dresses and shoes prowled down the runway!
Models strutted in feminine silhouettes and lace. Designers updated the antiquated lace design and used it to show off subtle pieces of skin and the feminine figure. This isn’t like your grandma’s tablecloth!
These trends should help you shake off those winter blues and kick-start your spring closet into full bloom!
photo one:http://www.modelinia.com/blog/model-tested-runway-trends-from-spring-2011/25523
“models rocked the runway in vibrant colors and eclectic patterns”
photo two: http://www.elle.com/Fashion/Trend-Reports/Top-10-The-Spring-2011-Trend-Report/Top-10-The-Spring-2011-Trend-Report/(imageIndex)/35/(play)/false
“70’s style is sure to make you the grooviest girl in school”
photo three: http://www.elle.com/Fashion/Trend-Reports/Top-10-The-Spring-2011-Trend-Report/Top-10-The-Spring-2011-Trend-Report/(imageIndex)/35/(play)/false

Sophomore, PR major at UNC