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Slowing Down? Five Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

Freezing temps, overcast skies and snowy outlooks?  It may have come late this year, but winter has finally arrived. When the forecast is cold and bleak it seems ten times harder to motivate ourselves to do anything that doesn’t involve our beds, a cup of tea and a ten hour marathon of Gossip Girl.  However, cold temperatures and icy conditions do not exactly keep assignments from being due, classes from being held and life from going on. While it may seem impossible to pull yourself together and get things done there are a few ways to give yourself a boost and keep things moving this semester.

1. Get Moving

Set aside thirty minutes of your day to head over to the gym. It is no secret that exercise leads to increased stamina and energy, and just spending that miniscule part of your day outside of your room can lead to boosted mood and increased production for the remainder of the day.  Not a fitness fiend? Try out one of the many fun and different Campus Rec classes or take a brisk walk with some friends. An hour of Zumba or Cardio Funk can change your entire outlook for the day.

2. Treat yourself

College students are notoriously stingy with their money, but spending an extra $10 or $20 every once in a while can’t hurt. Take some time for yourself and head on over to Franklin Street for a manicure or a little shopping adventure. Taking the time to get out of your room and do something fun will remind you on those harder days, that sometimes you just need to take a step back and appreciate everything else.

3. Get crafty

Take a trip to Target or Michael’s and buy some basic supplies. You could teach yourself how to crochet (you can learn to do pretty much anything on YouTube these days) or decorate new picture frames for your room. One of my favorite crafting projects is canvas painting: all you need to buy is white canvases, brushes and paint. Once you have your canvas, head over to Pinterest and find some inspirational quotes to create a cute and fun addition for your room.  Best of all, they are so much fun to make!

4. Try something new

Do you keep telling yourself you shouldn’t or you don’t have time? You may be overwhelmed and feel like you can’t possibly take on anything else, but trying that new thing may change the outlook of your entire semester! Swing by that new restaurant you’ve been meaning to try out on Franklin Street or take an hour to sit in on a meeting for that crazy sounding club. Mixing things up makes the day more interesting and who knows, maybe you’ll find something new to love!

5. Pinting

When in doubt, pint it out. There’s no doubting that a little bit of ice cream can go a long way. Call your friends, pick a movie, and swing by Ben and Jerry’s. The goal of the night is to finish an entire pint of ice cream.  It is also just a fun way to spend time with your friends and de-stress.

Between office hours and library time, college can turn into an overwhelming whirlwind experience. Finding the time for all of the homework and studying can be hard enough, not to mention maintaining a social life…and your sanity. The important thing is to take time and take care of you.  Enjoy the time you have here and make the most of every aspect of your college career!

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Melissa Paniagua is a senior journalism major at The University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, specializing in public relations. She is currently a fashion market intern at ELLE Magazine. On campus, Melissa acts as the Her Campus president as well as the vice president of the Carolina Association of Future Magazine Editors, UNC’s Ed2010 chapter. In the past, she has been an intern for Southern Weddings Magazine and a contributing writer for Her Campus. Melissa has an appreciation for all things innovative, artful and well designed and hopes to work in marketing for a women’s lifestyle magazine in the future!