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Michael Hardison ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

Name: Michael Hardison
Hometown: Stafford, VA
Year: Sophomore
Major: Peace, War and Defense/Political Science
Favorite YoPo Flavor: Chocolate
Favorite Study Spot: Gallery in the Union
Fun Fact: I flirted with Taylor Swift.
Motto: Become something greater than yourself.
Celebrity Crush: Jennifer Lawrence
Relationship Status: Single
What do you look for in a girl: Outgoing girls that aren’t afraid to go get what they want.
Turn-offs: Playing dumb
Favorite Movie: The Dark Knight
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be: Australia
Musical Interests: Jimmy Eat World and Childish Gambino

Michael is extremely involved and spirited; he is a model Tar Heel. In addition to painting up for nearly every game (and keeping a countdown to basketball season), Michael is a member of Sigma Phi fraternity, an Excelling Through Mentoring mentor, an NC Fellow and a dedicated participant of Relay for Life. This guy clearly takes advantage of the amazing opportunities that a school like UNC provides. When I asked him what he loved most about Carolina, he replied, “The atmosphere–everyone here loves their school and is passionate about something.”

When Michael isn’t busy with his insane extracurricular activities, you will probably find him having a laid back night with his friends. If not, he might be outside running a half marathon. In the future, Michael plans to join the U.S. Marine Corps as a second Lieutenant; the plan is to fly the F-35. This is no surprise seeing as Michael comes from a Marine family, (he has moved 13 times!) which means–yes ladies–he is extremely respectful and polite. After fulfilling his goal of becoming a pilot, Michael says he might consider getting involved in politics; his ultimate goal for the future is “to change the world for the better.”

So ladies, there you have it–a family man who is goal-oriented and dedicated–what more can you ask for?


All photos provided by Michael Hardison.

Brittany is a senior Visual Communications major in the UNC-CH School of Journalism and an Entrepreneurship minor, originally from Frederick, MD. This summer she interned in the fashion department of O, The Oprah Magazine in NYC. She has interned at the Durham Herald-Sun Newspaper and as a multi-media producer for the UNC Foreign Language Department and School of Education. Brittany enjoys snowboarding, rock climbing, water sports and all things to do with the beach. In the future she hopes to work in the magazine industry, travel and continue practicing yoga.