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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

I asked some friends and family members what they were afraid of and why. The answers ranged from spiders (because they’re small and can kill you) to the uncertainty of death. Really deep stuff, I know. They were enlightening conversations, honestly. I had a follow-up question for when they were done explaining: what are you afraid of without a reason why? Again, the answers ranged from things like clowns to Final Destination-level car accidents to having a wardrobe malfunction in public. Surprisingly, these were both niche and mundane answers. Regardless, irrational fears are still valid.

I’m afraid of many things, but I’m irrationally terrified of snakes. I’m talking paralyzed and crying when I see them. If a snake comes across my social media timelines, I have to have someone else swipe past it for me. Same deal with pictures of snakes in a book; my hand cannot touch it without me freaking out. Slithering motions send chills down my spine. The thought of snakes, even as I write this, makes my skin crawl and my stomach clench.

To those with irrational fears that leave you unable to react, you are valid.

You are valid when you refuse to enter your room until you see the dead body of a bug.

You are valid when you can’t go to the circus because the friendly clowns are too friendly looking to be trusted.

You are valid when you can’t drive over a snake because you think it won’t die; instead, it’ll slither into your car, through the air vents, and bite you dead.

You are valid when your fear makes you physically ill and you can’t explain it. 

Yes, irrational fears are as the word says: irrational, but it doesn’t make it any less valid. If you have friends with irrational fears, be a little more patient with them because you may make sense when you explain the unlikelihood of it all, but it’ll still be a worrying thought in the back of their minds.

Paige Pennebaker

Chapel Hill '21

Paige Pennebaker is an aspiring writer who attends UNC-Chapel Hill as a Senior during the day. She enjoys writing fiction and has been published on shortfictionbreak.com. While fiction is where her heart is, Paige also has a lot to say about the real world and how to get by.