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Christian Bennett

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

Name: Christian Bennett
Hometown: Wilmington, NC
Year: Sophomore
Major: Biology, Premed
Favorite Study Spot: UL Big Tables
Celebrity Crush: Alana Blanchard
Biggest Turn Offs: Cigarettes and Sloppiness
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Fudge Brownie from Ben and Jerry’s
Fun Fact: I’m colorblind!
Favorite Musician/Band: Drake and Lupe
Favorite Movie: Fight Club

It’s been said that girls only go for bad boys. Our Campus Cutie this week is a prime example of why girls should leave that lifestyle behind and give a good guy a chance. Christian Bennett is genuine and sweet but not afraid to bust out some dance moves in front of a group of strangers. He is adventurous and what some may call an adrenaline junkie but he is also a guy that will always be there with a hug and excellent advice for any situation.

What are some of your hobbies?

I love to surf back at home whenever I can. In the winter, I’ll try and take as many snowboarding trips as possible, too. I’m game for most adrenaline rushes. If I need a breather, I love hanging out with my friends on a nice day in the quad or really anywhere. Fortunately, most of my friends are just as crazy as I am, so they’re right there next to me skating down the hill to the Dean Dome.

What is your dream first date?

Either she comes over to my house or I go over to hers and we cook dinner and just hang out for a bit. I love to make something out of nothing and there is always something special about a home cooked meal. Also, it always tastes better when you make it with a cute girl…I wonder why?

What do you look for in a girl?

I’m a huge fan of confidence, eyes, and inner beauty. She’s gotta have a great personality and at least some wit to her. A huge bonus point would be if she’s willing to share the experiences I have, but if not, I’d be perfectly fine if she’s there with a band-aid if I fall.

What do you want to do after graduation?

I want to become a doctor! I’ve always loved helping people, ever since I was a wee little one. I love looking at problems and figuring out what to do with them. I also love the biology behind the human body, from the micro level, full of cells and other nerdy stuff, all the way to the macro level, looking at mob mentalities and other social relations.

What’s your favorite memory at Carolina so far?

Every day.

What’s your favorite quote or motto?

“Nothing in this world that is worth having comes easy.”
-Dr. Bob Kelso

Brittany is a senior Visual Communications major in the UNC-CH School of Journalism and an Entrepreneurship minor, originally from Frederick, MD. This summer she interned in the fashion department of O, The Oprah Magazine in NYC. She has interned at the Durham Herald-Sun Newspaper and as a multi-media producer for the UNC Foreign Language Department and School of Education. Brittany enjoys snowboarding, rock climbing, water sports and all things to do with the beach. In the future she hopes to work in the magazine industry, travel and continue practicing yoga.