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Bring Bedsider In the Wild to UNC!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

Think that women in college and beyond should have the right to a healthy, happy sex life without having to worry about unplanned pregnancy? Well, so does Bedsider!

This private non-profit organization wants women to take an active role in their own reproductive health and has created Besider.org as a resource for women–and men–to increase their knowledge about birth control options.

This fall, Bedsider is launching their In the Wild program on college campuses all over the country. There will be parties, lectures, pub crawls, movie nights and info booths all designed to help students get on top of their sex life. And since Bedsider is an independent organization that isn’t funded by pharmaceutical companies or the government, you know they’ll be providing honest, unbiased information.

Want to bring Bedsider to UNC? The organization is looking for volunteer Campus Reps to host In the Wild events and entertain, engage and inform collegiettes and collegents about birth control. Bedsider Campus Reps will gain valuable work experience and make a difference in public health by generating awareness, starting conversations and helping college women and men learn about birth control options.

If you’re interested, fill out an application here by September 22, 2013. Good luck, collegiettes!

To learn more about how Bedsider is putting the sex back into birth control by making it easy and fun, check out their video below!

Megan McCluskey is a recent graduate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a B.A. with Distinction in Journalism and Mass Communication, and a second major in French. She has experience as a Campus Correspondent and Contributing Writer for Her Campus, a Public Relations Consultant for The V Foundation, an Editorial Assistant for TV Guide Magazine and Carolina Woman magazine, a Researcher for MTV, and a Reporter and Webmaster for the Daily Tar Heel. She is an obsessive New England Patriots and Carolina basketball fan, and loves spending time with her friends and family (including her dogs), going to the beach, traveling, reading, online shopping and eating bad Mexican food.