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AJ Kiehner ’11

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

Name: Anton Justin (AJ) Kiehner
Hometown: Wallingford, PA
Year: Senior
Major: Journalism and Music (double major)

Favorite Coldstone flavor: Strawberry Banana Rendezvous  
Where do you study?:
The Arboretum on warm days and Graham Memorial on cold days
Fun Fact: “My first word was automobile, not ma’ma or da’da, but, yes, automobile”
Motto: “Perfection is a mindset that drives one to insanity”
Involvement on Campus: Clef Hangers, Habitat for Humanity, SWEAT, Pauper Players, Company Carolina, UNC-TV (Carolina Week), Blue & White Magazine, Chamber Singers, Dance Marathon
Interests: Traveling, Music, Altruistic activities, Reading and Collecting vinyl records
Why do you like being a Clef?  “It’s really incredible to have sixteen entirely different guys, who probably never would have been friends, come together for one common passion: music.”
Why he’s our campus cutie:
Aside from having an adorable smile and being a Clef Hanger (and really, who doesn’t love the Clefs?), AJ keeps a positive attitude constantly. He hopes to be remembered by people at UNC as “the kid who made them laugh or smile.” With his active involvement on campus and dedication to helping others, he is definitely not like the average guy you find in sweaty frat basements on Thursday nights. 

Despite his already busy schedule, AJ has managed to become quite the world traveler. From spending time at his family’s summer home in Canada, traveling all over Europe or helping save sea turtles in Tecolutla, Mexico (one of his many altruistic activities?), AJ has done it all.
So stay hopeful ladies; there are good men like AJ on this campus!

Sierra Piland is a Journalism – Graphic Design and Communication Studies – Media Production double major at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, class of 2012. She is President of the Carolina Association of Future Magazine Editors (CAFME), the Ed2010 branch at UNC-CH and Design Director of UNC’s popular fashion magazine Kaleidoscope. She has also been on staff with The Daily Tar Heel design department. This past summer, she interned with MTV Networks working in the .com department of CMT (Country Music Television) and is currently an intern at Southern Weddings Magazine. Sierra has a passion for art and design but is also thoroughly interested in filmmaking and the entertainment industry. When she has time, she loves to get away to the beach or mountains with friends and family.