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10 Invaluable Life Lessons We Learned from Mindy Kaling

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

Whether she has been in your life for one month or 10 years, Mindy Kaling has probably taught you an invaluable lesson or two about navigating ‘adult’  life. She makes her viewers and readers feel as if she is their best friend, so she has made sure to exemplify some great life lessons. In honor of her new season starting and her second book coming out, here are some of the most important lessons we’ve learned from Mindy so far.

1. Confidence is key


Mindy is known as a very unapologetic person, from her looks to her career.  She knows that the way to get ahead is know your stuff, or at least seem like you do.  Believing you can do it is the first step, and Mindy knows from her years of writing and acting that having confidence can make you feel as if you can accomplish anything.

2. It’s okay to be a mess


It’s all about being the perfectly imperfect. Through her show and general life, she has proven that it’s ok to let go every once in awhile and not worry about what other people are thinking about you.  

3. Smart women are the best women

Not only did Mindy graduate from Dartmouth, but she successfully launched her career and brand. She’s one smart cookie who has shown that being smart and thoughtful is more important than anything else. 

4. It gets better

Sweet, little, puppeteer Mindy with a bowl cut so sharp, you could eat cereal out of it. She turned out okay, though.

5. Hard work pays off

Mindy is proof that working hard at what you want can get you to places you never even dreamed. She lived in a cramped apartment in New York City with her roommate and best friend before she even got close to stardom. She wrote and starred in her own play to put herself out there, and man did it work. 

6. Good friendships are very important

Batman and Robin; chips and salsa; Mindy Kaling and BJ Novak. Some things were just meant to be together. This dynamic duo has been together for over a decade, continuing to make us laugh and show us that good friendships are all that matter. 

7. Respect yourself

Mindy has shown through her life and characters (Well, maybe not Kelly) that respecting yourself is very important. She is never truly discouraged and never allows anyone to tell her she can’t do something. She holds herself with a sense of pride that we all should be copying.

8. Never give up on your dreams

If there is anything Mindy can teach us, it is to never give up on what you want. She dreamed of being a comedian and actress her whole life and she went out and made it happen. She has always stayed true to her hilarious self and will continue to be a role model for many years to come.

Whether she’s dancing, laughing, or making us all feel more normal, Mindy is out to steal our hearts. So here’s to you, America’s real sweetheart. You keep doing you and I’ll keep watching on Hulu. 

Avery Williams is a sophomore at UNC at Chapel Hill and majoring in Journalism. When she's not at school, she's either watching One Tree Hill reruns, eating popcorn, or memorizing the lyrics to her new favorite album.
Rachael is a senior public relations major at UNC–Chapel Hill. In addition to being the president/co-campus correspondent of Her Campus Chapel Hill, Rachael is also a member of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority and a mentor for EASE, a study abroad organization. She is an enthusiast of Snapchat, strong coffee, and "hardcore parkour" goat videos.