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You Can Be Happy For 100 Days!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CCCU chapter.

2013 ended in an awful way, and there were a lot of awful things that happened in that year too. When New Year came around I kept exclaiming how glad I was that the awful year was ending, but my little sister corrected me saying ‘It wasn’t all bad’. She showed me a video collection of the happy moments in an attempt to convince me, but the recent events were vivid in my mind.

Then, I discovered something called ‘100 Happy Days’. You may have seen your friends posting about this on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram (or all of them).

The idea is to challenge people, ‘Can you be happy for 100 days?’, what participants must do is post a picture every day for 100 days of something that made them happy that day. The picture can be anything, from a trip to Disneyland to having a hot chocolate after coming in from the rain.

I am now on Day 53 and what I’ve learnt so far is that while bad things may happen in a day or week or even year, it does not make that day week or year completely bad. Good things happen every day, and Happy Days helps you to realise that. Instead of having bad days, there are just days in which bad things happen.

Since starting Happy Days, obviously bad things have happened, but instead of saying ‘I’ve had a bad day’ as I would have done previously, I now say something bad happened but realise it isn’t all bad. I have persevered and been given a new perspective, noticing all of the little things that make me happy in a day.

When I first started Happy Days I had to really focus and think, ‘What is going to be my Happy Days today?’, but now it comes so naturally noticing the good things that I have to choose between them.

Happy Days has helped me to appreciate the things and the people in my life even more. It helps you realise who and what makes you happy.

I would honestly recommend 100 Happy Days to anyone and everyone (well I already have done, getting my two best friends to start). Whether you’ve been going through a tough time and are looking at life in a negative way, as I was, or you feel perfectly content with your life – 100 Happy Days is for you. If you’re feeling down 100 Happy Days is the ultimate pick-me-up, if you’re happy with your life just do it anyway and watch as Happy Days brings you higher than you thought you could go.

So, do you think you can be happy for 100 days? Go to the Happy Days website and get started! http://100happydays.com/

Want to follow my journey? I post my Happy Days on Instagram @Shelbs_jane 

Shelby is a graduate in Creative and Professional Writing who is still trying to hold onto student life by living in a student house, continuing to write for Her Campus and living on cereal. Shelby is writing about the scariness of graduate life on her blog, every day: gradualrealities.wordpress.com