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Campus Cutie: Shani Dee Lewis

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CCCU chapter.


Movie: War Horse and Footloose

Food: Spaghetti Bolognese

Hobbies: Dancing (specializing in Ballet), art and photography.

You’re entering 1st year, how do you feel about it? 

I am really excited as I have already met my class mates and had a few lessons however cannot wait to get back to doing what I love and to widen my experience and skills. 

What are you studying at Christ Church University? 

Dance education 

If you could go anywhere in world where would you go? 

It would be America. I would love to dance on Broadway and take lessons at the American royal ballet. Equally i would also like to take lessons at the English royal ballet.


We hear you have set up a British Sign Language society. What inspired you to do this? 

I was inspired to set up the society as I have a passion for the language. I remember learning the basic’s in year 6, I have always wanted to purse it but I never got the chance. I think it is important to learn to communicate with those who are hard of hearing. Also I would like to work with special needs children in my future career using my dance. Therefore it is important for me to learn for communication.

Who was your idle growing up? 

Darcy Bussell is my role model. I did not start ballet till early teens and she was the oldest dancer in the royal ballet before retiring at 38 however she still dances and shares her passion today. 

Personal Motto:

Born to dance

Thanks Shani! If you have any Campus Cutie suggestions, Tweet us @HerCampusCCCU

Ashleigh is 21 and is currently in her second year at Canterbury Christ Church University.