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Campus Cutie: Polly Whitmore “Always try and find the funny side”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CCCU chapter.

Polly is a CCCU student who is known for her petite frame but sassy attitude. As this week’s campus cutie, we thought we would go the extra mile to see past her height (which isn’t hard) and find out her loves, hates and future ambitions.

 The Basics

Name: Polly Hannah Whitmore

Age:    20

Hometown:  West Malling

Degree: Drama

Year of Graduation:  2015

Relationship status:  Taken

Motto in life:  Always try and find the funny side in things. No matter how horrible they may be.


The Favourites

Food:  Chicken Burgers

Band: I have three; The Sex Pistols, 1975 and Noah and the Wale, I can’t just pick one!

Tv show: The Walking Dead (I’m a little obsessed with Zombies!)

Colour:  Green

Movie:  Bridesmaids


As this week’s theme is ‘going the extra mile’, can you think of a time you’ve done this to achieve something, to help someone or even to cheekily get what you want?

Okay so…yeah I have definitely gone the extra mile to try and get what I want and I’m always willing to do it to help a friend out.

What did you want and how did you get it?

I don’t know haha! Little things.


Speaking of little things, your known at university for being very short, how tall actually are you?

I’m 5ft exactly. So much for not mentioning my height… 

We also know that you’re obsessed with pugs and skulls… why? 

Well pugs are just so cute, and I have one at home called Rexy and he’s my baby. And skulls, I’m not really sure, I just like them! 

What’s your most embarrassing moment?

I embarrass myself every day.


Mostly saying something that should be kept inside my head, but I forget where I’m at or who I’m with. Although, I’m not as bad as my flatmate for that.

You study drama at university, what attracted you to do this?

I love the feeling that you get after a performance, the adrenaline of pleasing an audience and knowing that you’ve just done something amazing. I used to feel really uncomfortable performing on stage and thought about just studying it to become a teacher, but after performing live once, you just get addicted. I love all the little details that go into it as well.

What is your favourite university memory?

My favourite university memory… hmm…There is so many to choose from! I’ll have to say Louise’s (Another one of Polly’s flatmates) Pubgolf for her birthday. Its where you go to 9 different pubs and drink 9 different drinks in one go. I got very drunk and actually can’t remember much of the night.

And finally, We see that you’re in a relationship and have been for a while now, do you have any relationship advice for people in struggling relationships or looking to get into one?

My relationship advice is to always be honest with each other. Balance your time well and understand that not everything will go the way you want it to at times but don’t make that ruin something you think is special.


Thanks Polly!




Creative Arts Student & Harry Potter enthusiast!