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Campus Cutie – Michael Edwards

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CCCU chapter.

Name: Michael Edwards

Age: 20

Hometown: Greenhithe

Degree: Sports Science (single honours) 

Year of Graduation: 2015

Relationship Status: Taken


The Favourites:

Favourite Food: Lasagne

Favourite Band: Avenged Sevenfold

Favourite TV Show: I don’t watch TV

Favourite Movie: Way of the Samurai

Favourite Book: Hunger Games

Favourite Sports Team: Rugby Union England Team


What’s your most embarrassing moment? I was playing hockey at Holcombe and basically I went for a shot at goal, without being aware that goals posts don’t move, even if you run into them head first haha

What’s your proudest moment? Getting 4 gold medals at GKR karate tournament and then representing the UK in the world tournaments in New Zealand

Who is your celebrity crush? Hayley Williams 

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? I would go to Japan as I love the culture. Plus, the martial arts there is awesome -I’d love to go over there and compare the differences between UK and Japanese styles

Do you have any strange habits? Strange habits, not particularly, I’m just strange in general

Do you have a plan for once you finish university? I aim to get a job in sports because it fascinates me and to work on my music carreer

Do you play any instruments? Awesome question , I play guitar to a very high standard, but I also have alot of experience playing bass, drums, piano as well as the use of EQ systems as I have professionally recorded music


And finally, we ask all of our Cuties: do you have a personal motto? “Dont watch a movie, be the movie” This motto I created (as far as im aware) has got me through A levels, my musical dreams and into university life. This motto is what I will live and die by – it’s the motivation to make it happen, rather than simply sit back and watch others do it.


Michael is a left defender for CCCU Hockey 2nd Team: to keep up with all the CCCU Sports, go to: http://ccsu.co.uk/sport/

The Varsity Hockey game is at 3pm tomorrow (Sunday 23rd Feb 2014), for more details go to: https://www.facebook.com/events/592784030791890/?fref=ts

I'm a 20 year old self-published author who blogs a lot and drinks far too much tea! Melissa Holden's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/MelissaHoldenWriter Melissa Holden's Amazon Page: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Melissa-Holden/e/B00GSL71SE/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1416236950&sr=8-1