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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CCCU chapter.

Name: Matthew David Hurton

Age: 18

Home town: Sittingbourne

Height: 5’6

Degree: Drama

Year of Graduation: 2016

Relationship Status: Single looking to mingle


As it’s Lent, we’d like to ask you a few Lent related questions.

Are you giving up anything for Lent? Nope, I’m not giving up anything.

Do you think you should celebrate Lent if you’re not religious? I don’t know, if you want to celebrate it then why not?

Have you ever had to sacrifice something, for example, giving up alcohol for a sports team? Haha give up alcohol? Screw that! No I haven’t.

Now, a few of your favourite things:

Favourite food: Quesadillas.

Favourite Movie:  The Aviator. 

Favourite type of girl: Smart and funny.

Favourite Band: I don’t really listen to music but if I have to pick, it’s got to be Tenacious D.

Favourite Song: Tribute by Tenacious D.

Favourite Sport:  Basketball (despite being short).

Favourite Book:  Erm I don’t read, but I like Steven Berkoff plays.



What is your most embarrassing moment?

I sat on a rusty nail at this abandoned industrial site and got tetanus.

What do you want most out of life?

That mad dollar dollar.

Do you have any special talents?

I’m really good at rock climbing.

What do you think is the worst trait in a girl?

When they don’t laugh at my jokes.

If you could be a character out of book/movie, who would you be and why?

Godzilla so I could be that little bit taller and manlier.

Do you have any strange habits?

I can burp the alphabet.

Since being at university, what has been your favourite night out and why?

Wired: got smashed out of my face and so did everyone else. I worked the room like a pro.

And finally, we ask all you campus cuties, do you have a personal motto?

S*** happens.





Just a happy girl with a huge love for good acting, jazz music and tasty cocktails.
Creative Arts Student & Harry Potter enthusiast!