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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

The fall season approached us fast, but October has decided to creep up on us even quicker. Although this month can consist of heart wrecking activities like midterms, better events help us balance out the stress. I’m talking about the spooky season. Now some of you may ask: what is the spooky season? Spooky season is a time that embodies terrifying, yet amusing affairs, which can include costumes, decorating, and food. With the first week of October upon us, here’s a guide on how to get into the spooky spirit.

1. Decorating 

Personally, I believe any season is better with decorations. When decorating for the spooky season, it’s necessary to buy a package of fake spider webs. The webs are super easy to decorate with and placing little spiders inside the webs adds to the effect. Another necessity are pumpkins. Of course, just in their natural state, pumpkins aren’t scary at all. With the help of a black permanent marker, the squash like fruit can become quite frightening. This simple decoration also allows you to show your creativity to the rest of the neighborhood.

2. Costumes 

What’s the key to finding the perfect costume? Honestly, Pinterest is the way to go. Costume stores can be expensive, overly sexy, and repetitive. No one wants to be a sexy nurse year after year. Furthermore, most of the DIY costumes you find Pinterest incorporates items already found in your closet.  

3. Movies 

Some of the best movies Halloween movies can make any night eerie. My family likes to do them once a week as soon as October begins. Every year we start off with my mother’s favorite – Children of the Corn. This movie is on the gorier side; however, you can still get in the spirit with movies that are less spine-chilling. For example, my favorite movie to watch is Coraline. The movie has enough mystery, while still balancing the relatable elements of everyday life, like frustrating parents and strange neighbors. Overall, make sure you’re aware of your tolerance when it comes to these movies. Don’t scare yourself out of the spirit of the spooky season. 

4. Food 

To go the extra mile, add different elements to your snacks. Jell-O, gummy worms and marshmallows can be three ingredients that can go a long way. The Jell-O can be manipulated and carved in several shapes. On the other hand, the treat also comes in a variety of colors, which is a plus because food coloring can be tricky to work with. Marshmallows can make great ghost figures by simply adding black sprinkles for eyes. Lastly, gummy worms are the simplest of the three. By placing the worms anywhere, you can add a slimy component to any snack.

5. Safety 

The biggest factor during spooky season is safety. During this time of the year, the identity of an individual can be hidden with masks and even face paint. It is pivotal to be cautious of your surroundings. Moreover, always remember the difference between a friendly scare and an evil motive.  

No matter what make sure you go out and enjoy the spooky season while it is upon us. Also, don’t be afraid to get creative. Whether you celebrate Halloween or not, the scary elements can be memorable for a lifetime!

Da'Zhane Johnson is a Junior at Clark Atlanta University. She often finds herself eagerly waiting in a Starbucks line, or happily looking for new coffee orders to add to her collection. Her major is Mass Media Arts with a hard concentration in journalism, so in her spare time, she's usually writing. To read more of her articles, check her out on Instagram @bydazh!