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Sir Charles Thomas, Collegiate 100 President

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

Name: Sir Charles Thomas

Hometown: Philadelphia, PA

Major: Business Administration

IG/Twitter: IG: @sir.c

Turn ons/turn offs in a relationship: I like humble girls, but she gotta have a little flair inside that makes her different from everyone else

Dream job: Investment Banker

Dream date: Nothing too cheesy,but I would like to do something as sweet as to swim with dolphins or as crazy as sky diving.

What’s at the top of your bucket list? Go to Africa

What/who inspires you: John Legend

One thing you can’t leave the house without: My watch

Short-term goals: Getting an internship for this summer

Long-term goals: To open my own non-profit organization

Favorite quote: “heal a heart and soothe a soul”

Hobbies: painting and drawing

Why CAU:It was God’s plan for me to be here.

Organizations on campus: #iLeadCAU, Men’s Initiative Program, Collegiate100 at CAU

Something no one knows: I did tattoos and piercings at a point of time

One piece of advice: “The struggles won’t stop, don’t stop grinding”

What you made you run for Collegiate 100 President? What have you gained from being in Collegiate 100? I didn’t want to be president, I’m not the type of  person that do stuff to be rewarded, but I was the member of the group where our previous president, Aaron Chambers, could count on me. I just supported the organization through its ups and downs. So I guess by me having this kind of involvement in the group Mr. Chambers nominated me as president during elections, and I accepted. I have gained a lot from being in Collegiate 100, I just love mentoring. Yea the connections/opportunities you gain through networking with being involved in the 100 Black Men are great but that not what interests me. What interest me is how I have the privilege to inspire someone who possibly look up to me as their role model.

Guilty pleasure: tattoos, getting them or giving them.

How has CAU made an impact on you academically, personally, professionally and socially? There’s really no place like Clark Atlanta, I am performing well in class. My personality has always been there, I have always been personable. As for professionally, well I’m a product of the Clark Atlanta’s School of Business.

What are your plans as the academic year comes to a close? Collegiate 100 week, which will take place April 17-23

If you could describe yourself as a song, what would it be? John Legend of course! If You’re Out There …. starts singing, “I searched for a leader, and the leader was me.”

Favorite memory at CAU: Way too many *laughs to self*… I just have so many memories to pick a favorite.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why? Nothing, I’m the worlds greatest.

Party-Life or Dorm-body? Both, but most of the time I’m partying in my room, there’s never dull moment.

What were your plans for Spring Break?  It was Miami, but I went to Baltimore with my friend instead.

Do you believe in AUC Unity? Why?  I do,but I think CAU needs to focus more on CAU because Spelman nor Morehouse are stressing the issues in AUC unity. They worrying about what they pay for and what benefits them. We ( CAU) have to fix the issues within our home first before we take on another job ,such like AUC unity.

Top 5 songs on your playlist currently: 

  1. Boone-pop a perc
  2. Young Thug- I mean
  3. Plies- Ritz Carlton
  4. Chris brown- back to sleep
  5. Future and Drake- live from the gutter
Hey everyone, my name is Yasmyne Fisher. I'm currently the President/Co-Campus Correspondent at Clark Atlanta University. I am a graduating senior, majoring in Fashion Design. My passion is writing on what people want to read, whether it is fashion, pop culture, being black in America you name it I love giving my perspective of a college student to readers.