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New Year, Who Dis?! *Leave Toxic People Behind in Yesteryear*

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

The ball has dropped. The clock has struck 12. Phones were blowing up with well wishes for the upcoming year. Timelines exploded with proclamations of “New Year, New Me” and boasting of resolutions and turnarounds that were probably long forgotten once that hangover kicked in the following day. 

Now look to your left and your right. Who made it with you into the new year?!

Well my Panther collegiettes, 2016 is finally here and in full effect! We’re so excited to see what amazing heights this new year will take us all! Of course, we have all heard the saying that not everyone isn’t meant to be with you as you elevate, and that couldn’t be more true as I think about the new year. While we are here at our illustrious Clark Atlanta University, our main goal is (or should be) graduation. Naturally, we matriculate through college in stages. Freshman year is all about the turn up; sophomore year is about picking up the pieces of our grades and buckling down on school; junior year is about really striving to make your voice heard on campus; and senior year is about finding your way and making it to the finish line. We make friends along the way that won’t always make it to the end. Some people come into your life only for a season. Always be open to cleaning house when the people in your life aren’t propelling you in the right direction. Think about this concept as we get further into the new year. 

Whether you’re undergoing an ultimate makeover or just tweaking some things a bit, here are six tips on leaving people behind in 2015 and moving forward in 2016!

1) Your friends should add to and pour into you. When they don’t do that anymore, it’s time to let them go! A friend will always be there as a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen or just one to laugh with you through a hard time. If one of your so-called friends starts to drain you of your energy and reciprocity is knocking on nonexistent, it’s about time you bowed out gracefully.

2) The goal is to surround yourself with amazing people to inspire you to be better. I always strive to have some really dope people in my circle that are doing amazing things, share amazing things with me, and are just all around…amazing! It makes me want to elevate my mindset and ambition to get to another level of happeness and to be able to live my life to the fullest. When you have people around you who constantly bring you down or do nothing to inspire you, it’s time to reconsider. We have no time for lackadaisical individuals with no drive and ambition. No bumps on a log over here!

3) Some people are about all fun, no work; these are the types who will hold you back from being great. Welfare Wednesdays at Hole in the Wall and Thirsty Thursdays are so much fun, we get it. However, being hungover in class every other day is not cute. Give your heels and bodycon dresses a rest and turn up on some books (lol). Don’t let the turn up distract you from your upcoming triumphs.

4) Don’t beat yourself up over people choosing to walk out of your life. That’s their loss! Like I mentioned before, people are sometimes in your life for only a season. If someone calls themself cutting you out of their life, consider it a blessing. Some people won’t realize what they have in you as a friend until you’re gone. When they walk out, let them. Less stress for you, right?!

However, if you think that their reason for a hasty exit could’ve been because of you, maybe it’s time for some self-reflection.

5) You’ve got things to handle, collegiette. Chuck up the deuces to any and everyone who doesn’t believe in your dreams! Never let anyone make you think your dreams are unattainable. If someone doesn’t believe in your dreams, then they aren’t for you. Go shine and leave the haters behind!

6) It’s time to get back to you. Love yourself first unapologetically! You should always be your main focus. Point. Blank. Period. Don’t let people get in the way of the love and respect that you have for yourself! Only allow those into your life who have that same level of love and respect for you and much more, and watch your life change for the better.

It’s totally okay to say goodbye to those individuals in your life that just aren’t right for you anymore. Not everybody should have the privilege of blingin’ your hotline. Goodbye 2015, hello peace of mind. Say it with me, “New Year, Who Dis!?”

But remember, you’ll always have a BFF in all of us here at Her Campus CAU ;) *kisses*

Shatay Speights is a Clark Atlanta University senior, majoring in Fashion Merchandising from Tuscaloosa, Alabama. She has a passion for fashion, journalism, and inspiring young women around her, all of which she plans to tie into her budding fashion/ journalism career. Shatay is currently the Managing Editor for Her Campus CAU and Fashion Editor for her school newspaper (The CAU Panther). She enjoys reading, writing, shopping, being around friends and family, volunteering, and staying up on the latest news in fashion and entertainment. Follow Shatay on IG and Twitter at @fashionsinatra !