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Wellness > Mental Health

My March Affirmations: The Journey To Rebuilding My Personal Energy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

As we get further and further into this year, I’ve noticed that procrastination and hesitation has been an ongoing theme within my life. From managing work and assignments, I realized that my personal energy was imbalanced. To be completely honest, I wasn’t shocked when I made the discovery. This is only my second semester in college and second job. However, the ideal of just being alive instead of living, is, as cliché as it sounds, nauseating. With that being said, I have challenged myself to start setting affirmations each month for the rest of the year. Since I am going into the first month of my challenge, I wanted to share my affirmations with the Her Campus family! Below you will find the affirmations in order of importance and exactly what they mean to me. I hope they uplift you like they uplift me!

5. I will live in my own destiny instead of the light of others.

While in college, you meet different people with various goals and aspirations. Additionally, most of the time it seems that everyone has it all figured out, except. This month I am reclaiming my blessings and celebrating them more than before. The rate of one person’s success does not determine any character flaws within me.

            4. I am better than yesterday.

I will not allow myself to be stagnant mentally, emotionally, or physically. In other words, my ability to grow will be limitless and unexpected. Furthermore, my mistakes will be highlighted as growing experiences, not idiotic moments or embarrassing memories. Lastly, I must acknowledge this growth whenever I feel at my lowest. 

            3. I will love myself unconditionally

The ability to love without boundaries is important. This means I will be my biggest fan and my biggest motivator. Moreover, my love will cultivate into eternal and internal happiness. My happiness will transform into even more self-love. I want this cycle to repeat with no stopping point. Overall, I want my love to be immortal.

            2. I accept my need to rest and recharge.

In life, the need of constant movement measures our capabilities. Going through the struggle without allowing it to crush you, is society’s perfect success story. I will change this narrative by listening to my body over anyone else. In the end, I want to be able to test my limitation without risking my sanity or psyche any longer.

                1. I will be an unstoppable force.

I will not stop until I have reached every dream and goal that I have set for myself. In fact, even then I will continue to push myself to new goals and experiences. The perceptions and opinions of others will not restrict what I have already planned out for myself. I am moving forward no matter what. I will not allow my mind to defeat me in any circumstances.

                It is said that affirmations can propel you into a positive state of mind. Hopefully, this list inspires you to create your own. In words of Beverly Boyd, “own your magic, walk in purpose, and rock your truth.”

Da'Zhane Johnson is a Junior at Clark Atlanta University. She often finds herself eagerly waiting in a Starbucks line, or happily looking for new coffee orders to add to her collection. Her major is Mass Media Arts with a hard concentration in journalism, so in her spare time, she's usually writing. To read more of her articles, check her out on Instagram @bydazh!