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Meet Tiffany Williams, Class of 2018!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

Full Name: Tiffany Williams

Hometown: Macon, GA

Major: Social Work

Classification: Sophomore, (’18)

IG: tiffany_bre

Relationship Status: Single

Congratulations to Tiffany for being chosen as our Campus Cutie for the week from our Instagram/Twitter contest! Here are a few questions we asked to let you know a little more about her.

Favorite Quote: “Keep it Cute or Keep it Mute.”

Celebrity Crush: Jacquees

Biggest turn off: When people smack while eating

Dream job: Clinical Social Worker

Favorite Food: Mandarin Oranges

Favorite Color: Pink

Favorite Hangout Spot: The Mall (especially Bath and Body Works)

What inspires you? “What inspires me is God and my family”

One thing you can’t live without? “My family”

If you could live anywhere for the rest of  your life, where would it be and why? “I would live in Paris because of the Lock Bridge and it’s the “City of Love & Romance”

Why CAU? “I chose CAU because I’ve always wanted to live in Atlanta and felt as if it is the city of opportunity. I love HBCUs and when I toured the campus, I knew that it was where I belonged.”

My name is Yasmine Washington. I am a Reporter/Writer for Her Campus CAU. I am a sophomore at Clark Atlanta University, Business Management major. I am absolutely in LOVE with puppies and my favorite color is PINK, duhhh.